Users Groups, Community, Events

Beginning of June, summer is here. This period is often a synonym of summer break. A summer break for most of the User Groups, not being active during summer as members have (deserved) holidays.From the beginning of the year I had the chance to attend public events...

Oracle PGX Client application with Maven

For one of my experiments I needed to develop a PGX client in Java, connection to a PGX server and performing a bunch of actions.I remember that in the Tutorials page of PGX there was a full tutorial on how to build a PGX client application with Maven, which could...

PGX: one tool, many implementations

Some years ago Oracle Labs released their engine for Property Graphs named PGX: Parallel Graph AnalytiX.If you look for a solution to implement Label Property Graphs (or just Property Graphs) that’s a really powerful, flexible and easy to use solution. Worth...

Recap 2018 and Forecast for 2019

First of all I apologise for not having written much (nothing) for months, been busy with many things and also had little “imagination” for new things to share. Will go back at blogging more regularly soon! This first post of the year is in two parts:...

GDPR & Analytics: the Solution

I wrote about the challenge GDPR represents when dealing with an analytical platform and gave some hints on the possible answer. In this post I would like to go a bit more into details of “the” solution to make a GDPR assessment possible in OAC/OBIEE or...

Graph Database by SQL

Over the last year I explored the Oracle Graph Database landscape from all the points of view. One thing is sure: it’s the most polyglot solution I crossed so far. You can “do” graphs from almost any language or tool, including SQL. Yes, you read it...

GDPR & Analytics: the Challenge

I would like to introduce the topic of GDPR in the Analytics world in this post before developing it more practically in a next one. In case you missed it, GDPR enforcement date is coming: 25 May 2018. Nothing new, just enforcing it! Over the last 2 years I heard GDPR...

#OUGN18 Norway User Group seminar

It’ been a while since my last post, have been busy developing few things and testing new solutions. Future blogs are coming on these topics. #OUGN18 conference On Thursday I will board the boat to attend the Norway User Group Seminar 2018. Yes, it’s on a...