by Gianni Ceresa | 7 June 2019 | Community, Conferences
Beginning of June, summer is here. This period is often a synonym of summer break. A summer break for most of the User Groups, not being active during summer as members have (deserved) holidays.From the beginning of the year I had the chance to attend public events...
by Gianni Ceresa | 5 February 2019 | Community, Conferences
First of all I apologise for not having written much (nothing) for months, been busy with many things and also had little “imagination” for new things to share. Will go back at blogging more regularly soon! This first post of the year is in two parts:...
by Gianni Ceresa | 10 December 2017 | Community, Conferences
December is here, UKOUG Tech17 is over, and this means only one thing: end of year is coming. I generally like to take few minutes to look back to my year and review what I did, so I can better plan the year after. Five conferences This year, like already 2016, was...
by Gianni Ceresa | 10 October 2017 | Community, Hacks
We are at that time of the year again… Like last year, this is my contribution for the ODC Appreciation Day (#thanksODC), promoted by Tim Hall. My post starts with a little rant: OTN is gone, new name is now ODC. I’m sure there are some really smart...
by Gianni Ceresa | 11 October 2016 | Community
This is my contribution for the OTN Appreciation Day, an idea of Tim Hall. It’s difficult (almost impossible) for me to find my favourite feature of an Oracle tool. I can easily say OBIEE is my favourite tool, but can hardly choose a feature as being my...