GDPR & Analytics: the Solution

I wrote about the challenge GDPR represents when dealing with an analytical platform and gave some hints on the possible answer. In this post I would like to go a bit more into details of “the” solution to make a GDPR assessment possible in OAC/OBIEE or...

Graph Database by SQL

Over the last year I explored the Oracle Graph Database landscape from all the points of view. One thing is sure: it’s the most polyglot solution I crossed so far. You can “do” graphs from almost any language or tool, including SQL. Yes, you read it...

GDPR & Analytics: the Challenge

I would like to introduce the topic of GDPR in the Analytics world in this post before developing it more practically in a next one. In case you missed it, GDPR enforcement date is coming: 25 May 2018. Nothing new, just enforcing it! Over the last 2 years I heard GDPR...

#OUGN18 Norway User Group seminar

It’ been a while since my last post, have been busy developing few things and testing new solutions. Future blogs are coming on these topics. #OUGN18 conference On Thursday I will board the boat to attend the Norway User Group Seminar 2018. Yes, it’s on a...

Summary of my 2017 year

December is here, UKOUG Tech17 is over, and this means only one thing: end of year is coming. I generally like to take few minutes to look back to my year and review what I did, so I can better plan the year after. Five conferences This year, like already 2016, was...